Summer 2020 Volunteer Opportunities
It's time to give back! Volunteer to help out with one of the following opportunities this summer:
Volunteers Needed for Driver's License Reinstatement Expo (Free Training & Virtual Participation)
The Cook County Public Defender's Office, in conjunction with the CBA and the Pilsen Neighbors Community Council, is hosting a Driver's License Reinstatement Expo on September 12 at Malcolm X College. Attorney volunteers are needed to provide free virtual counseling to attendees looking to reinstate their driver's license.
Attorneys will interpret SOS Driving Abstracts, verify information, and provide instruction on clearing suspensions. A limited number of attendees will be onsite for the Expo (following social distancing rules) and will receive counseling from volunteers via contactless videoconferencing (attorney volunteers will not be on-site at Malcolm X College). There are three 2-hour shifts available: 8:30-11:30 a.m. (Shift 1); 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Shift 2) and 1:30-3:30 p.m. (Shift 3).
The CBA will provide a free CLE coupon (up to 3 hours of CLE) to volunteers who participate on September 12.
The Cook County Public Defender’s office will provide free training on interpreting Abstracts on two dates via Zoom videoconferencing: July 23 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and August 13 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. 2 CLE hours will be provided for attendance at the training.
To sign-up for training, a volunteer shift or for more information please contact Danita Ivory at
Legal Prep Mentor Program
Volunteers are needed to engage meaningfully with Chicago youth in partnership with a high school in West Garfield Park. Join the Legal Prep Mentor Program and work one-on-one with a Legal Prep student mentee through a variety of secure virtual platforms on a regular basis during the 2020-2021 school year. Support and guide them on their college and post-secondary paths, help empower personal and professional confidence, and learn a lot about yourself and the power of a young person along the way.
Click here to learn more.
Supreme Court Volunteer Pro Bono Program for Criminal Appeals
In February 2020, the Illinois Supreme Court instituted a pro bono initiative to significantly reduce the statewide backlog of criminal appeals pending with the Office of the State Appellate Defender (OSAD). The Illinois Supreme Court needs your assistance in making an impact. Volunteers are needed for the Illinois Supreme Court's Volunteer Pro Bono Program for Criminal Appeals.
Attorneys can volunteer if they meet the following eligibility requirements: admitted to practice law in Illinois or admitted pro hac vice for at least five years, no ARDC disciplinary action, up-to-date malpractice insurance, and have at least two prior appearances as appellate counsel or have clerked for a reviewing court judge. Attorneys who do not meet eligibility requirements can still participate under supervision of an eligible attorney or by completing a 5-week training course.
Online training videos and additional written materials prepared by OSAD, including the Criminal Law Handbook and the Handbook on Briefs and Oral Arguments, are available to volunteer attorneys. In addition, OSAD launched a comprehensive online five-week training program, "Criminal Appeals in Illinois: An Introduction to Law and Procedure." Future training dates will be posted on the Court's website.
Details about the program, including a program overview, eligibility requirements, and the application can be found on the Court’s website at
If attorneys have any questions about the program they can be directed to Kathryn Hensley at In addition, applications can be submitted to Gabriela Conley at
Lawyers in the Classroom
The Chicago Bar Association's Media and Civic Education, Inc. is hosting a remote 2020-2021 Attorney Information & Training Session for the Edward J. Lewis II Lawyers in the Classroom (LIC) program via Google Meet on Thursday, August 6 from 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Click here to register.
Both new and returning volunteers will learn how the program will be administered using a new remote platform during the 2020-2021 school year. Chicago Public Schools uses Google Meet for remote learning; therefore, we will be using it as our virtual platform going forward. Following registration, if you do not already have one, please create a google account or sign-up for a Gmail address, as all attorney volunteer registrants will receive a Google Meet link to join the virtual training.
Questions? Contact LIC Director Tiffani Watson at