Judicial Candidate Information 

Below you will find links to important information and forms for candidates participating in the CBA's judicial evaluation process. If you have questions about the forms, please email Phyllis Lubinski at plubinski@chicagobar.org.

Documents for candidates running for retention on November 5, 2024 

ARDC Waiver  (Required)

CBA Acknowledgement  (Required)

CBA Candidate Certification (Required)

CBA Medical Authorization and Waiver Form  (Required)

CBA Supplement to Alliance Questionnaire   (Required for Candidates who elect to submit their Alliance of Bar Associations for Judicial Screening Questionnaire to the JEC in lieu of the CBA sitting judge questionnaire)

Updated Alliance Questionnaire Part C and Part D (Required for Candidates who elect to submit their Alliance of Bar Associations for Judicial Screening Questionnaire to the JEC in lieu of the CBA sitting judge questionnaire)

CBA Sitting Judge Questionnaire (In Word)

CBA Sitting Judge Questionnaire (fillable PDF)


Informational Documents

Guidelines (Required)

Resolution  (Required)

Appellate Resolution (Required)
Judicial Election Campaign Ethics FAQs (prepared by Illinois Judicial Ethics Committee)

General Documents

Judicial Candidate Questionnaire (for candidates seeking judicial appointment or election)

Cover Letter