YLS Events

Check back regularly for upcoming YLS events and opportunities to get involved!

The Young Lawyers Section of The Chicago Bar Association hosts many events and programs throughout the bar year designed to provide useful and relevant information along with networking opportunities for the new attorney. Information on upcoming events and opportunities are detailed below.

Click here to see an upcoming list of Young Lawyers Section seminars and committee meetings in a searchable format.

YLS Happy Hour - May 30, 5:00-7:00 PM
Join the YLS for Happy Hour at Industry Ales Brewpub (230 S. Wabash) Click here to register!

YLS Annual Meeting - June 18. 5:30-7:30 PM
The CBA Young Lawyers Section's Annual Meeting is back! Join us to thank Chair Marty Gould for a successful bar year and welcome incoming Chair Kenny Matuszewski. Featuring music from the Scales of Justice - buy tickets here!

YLS Monthly Spotify Playlist
Follow Chicago Bar Association YLS on Spotify to listen to all our curated mixes! Click here to see all our playlists and follow us on Spotify!