New Edition of The CBA Record Welcomes President Maryam Ahmad
The latest issue of the CBA Record magazine is now available online at Features include a look at the legal career of 2020-2021 CBA President Maryam Ahmad, a look back at the association career of retiring CBA Executive Director Terry Murphy, keeping counseling confidential, Zoom use in the courtroom, and five ways to recession proof your legal practice. Also, our Legal Ethics Columnist John Levin examines meeting during the pandemic.
Features include:
CBA President Maryam Ahmad: Making the Law Work for Everyone by Sally Daly
Congratulations to Terry Murphy by Kathryn C. Liss
It's Not Broken, So Don't Try to "Fix" It: Keeping Counseling Confidential by Kathryn L. Ciesla
Courtrooms are Zooming Along During the Pandemic by Clare McMahon, Richard L. Stavins and Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr.
The Pandemic's Effect on Criminal Law by Adam Sheppard
Five Ways to Recession-Proof Your Law Practice: During the Pandemic and Beyond by Steven Fretzin