It's Time to Renew Your Membership for the 2019-2020 Bar Year
Extended! Renew by June 30, 2019 and receive two free CLE coupons from the West LegalEdcenter! No dues increase, free monthly seminars and committee meetings (enough to meet your MCLE requirements at no cost-attend your choice of in-person or live Webcast), practical business and legal training, easy ways to connect with local lawyers, judges and other professional groups, free legal news feed, one-on-one career counseling and online job board, hands-on technology training for you and your staff, and more.
CBA membership is affordable and relevant to your practice and professional future. Renew at or call 312-554-2020 (auto dues and hardship reduction also available).
We appreciate your membership and look forward to serving you in the coming year.
Questions or comments? Email or call 312-554-2020.