The Nominating Committee for the 2020 Election, selected pursuant to Article VIII, Section 8.3(a) of the Bylaws as adopted June 3, 1977 and amended June 27, 2013, hereby invites nominations for consideration by the Committee through 5:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 11, 2020. The Committee will hold an Open Meeting at the home of the Association on
Wednesday, March 11, beginning at 4:00 p.m., to receive suggestions from members of the Association as to nominees for officers and new members of the Board of Managers. If you plan to appear or have someone nominate you, please call
Terry Murphy at 312-554-2002 or
Angie Cruz at 312-554-2132 in advance of the March 11 Open Meeting. Officer and Board candidates will be asked to complete a questionnaire and will be invited to schedule a brief appearance before the Nominating Committee on
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
The following offices will be filled:
and eight members of the Board of Managers for two-year terms to fill the vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of the following Board Members: Sharon L. Eiseman, Nina Fain, Hon. LaShonda A. Hunt, Hon. Diane Joan Larsen, Hon. Lori E. Lightfoot, Kathryn C. Liss, Federico M. Rodriguez and Adam J. Sheppard.
Under the Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 8.3(c), the Second Vice President shall without election or contest automatically succeed to the Office of First Vice President and the First Vice President shall without election or contest automatically succeed to the Office of President.
The Committee invites your participation in this important process. You may nominate yourself or any other member or members orally at the
March 11 Open Meeting or by notifying the Nominating Committee at the Office of the Association, through 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 11, 2020.
Hon. Thomas R. Mulroy, Chair
Anita M. Alvarez
Fitzgerald “Jerry” Bramwell
Hon. Tommy Brewer
Chastidy A. Burns
William F. Conlon
Daniel A. Cotter
Octavio Duran
Anthony F. Fata
G. A. Finch
Daniel W. Kaminski
Larry S. Kowalczyk
Tracy A. McGonigle
Jack T. Sanker
Hon. Patricia S. Spratt
Justin C. Steffen
Lindsay L. Wunrow