Law Student Back to School Bash
You are invited to our fifth annual Law Student Back-to-School Bash on September 18, 2024. Come out to Poncho's at 5:00 p.m. for an opportunity to mingle with other law students and CBA members. Free for CBA Law Student Members!
September 18, 2024
5:00-7:00 PM Networking Social at Pancho's Rooftop & Cantina (327 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, 60604) - Right next door to the CBA
Cost: $0 Law Student Member | $20 Nonmember
Not a law student member? Click here to sign up and receive all the benefits of full membership for only $12/year!
(Please note: there may be a delay in receiving the discounted rate if you sign up as a new member. Please contact if you experience any issues.)